Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dawn is Breaking. The Angels.

Staring eyes, silent screams,
plastic tubes to carry faded dreams.
(Words by Brewster-Neeson-Brewster)

Dawn is Breaking. The Angels.

Remember searching for a familiar face
with no one there to mourn.
(Words by Brewster-Neeson-Brewster)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Dawn is Breaking. The Angels.

Bowed down towards the storm.
(Words by Brewster-Neeson-Brewster)

Dawn is Breaking. The Angels.

Remeber looking at the haunted race...
(Words by Brewster-Neeson-Brewster.)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I kid ya not... this is Da Bomb

Look, I have five kids...yes five. The little blighters keep
me busier then a blow fly in Boulia.

So I sit on the dunny and draw as quick as I flippin'
can on my iphone app and this stuff above is it...OK.
Now get off my back imaginary people who view this blog!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A maze in...

A maze in pen

A maze in pencil
(Crazy iphone random finger action.)

Bloody Halo's