I’m fascinated by the concept of the blogg art that I’m presenting to the world. Not because I’m any great artist, though I do have a passion to draw, but for the reason that any art done on a drawing tablet is virtual art.
I can print any drawing I want, but then it becomes a copy, I can’t hang my painting on the wall, only the print. The closest I could get to the actual art as a presentable product would be to show it on one of those e-lec-tronic picture frames.
The art (for want of a better word) in my blogg; that truly only exists in the virtual world; that can be changed or deleted at a whim with the right password or hacking ability; might still yet have the potential to outlast any art works of any prier period.
Virtual memory and computer images stored on plastic sticks or engraved on sand molecules powered by the tiniest amount of energy is our reality, our heritage. We can, and will endeavour to save this technology at all costs, and as we know the cost is less and less for far better than we have ever experienced before.
Short of a meteor hitting the planet or nuclear annihilation, we will continue to find ways to save and preserve things to electronic media for prosperity. What will we see in 500 years when we look at the medium of today, will it be our selves? Will the Mona Lisa, or Donald Duck for that matter, only exist in a virtual electronic medium?
My ability as an artist is actually enhanced by modern technology but its impact and influence is lessened. I’m one of a hundred thousand lesser artist presenting mediocre works to a nonexistent audience saving something to prosperity, that at the moment is so insignificant that to liken it to the flapping of a butterfly’s wings would be ridiculous, more like a twitch of its antenna.
But I do it, as do millions of others in the hopes of saving something of interest to us and, hopefully, to our future significant others.
To leave something for prosperity.
And you know what.
This might be the most important significant thing I or any of us could ever do.