Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I wish I had of called this drawing "Jessica!"
or something. Why I called it "windblown" even
baffles me...she doesn't even look windblown,
maybe "Out of the blowing wind." would of even been
(and yes I could change the name on my Jpeg
folder somehow, I'm just not that savy yet.)

Monday, June 29, 2009


I can't think of any witty social commentary,
god forbid I mention any dead pop stars or

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Flat tyre.

People in caravans
Touring the great Australian dream
Retired now at 65
How lucky you are to still be alive
Pension paid
Got a million to see you through
Bought a Winnebago
Cost 65 grand
And three hundred dollars to drive to the coast.
Scream at the canopy
Flapping around noisily
It should be peaceful at 2 pm
That fucking cupboard
I hit my head again
I’m bleeding
Flat tire flat tire flat tire

Saturday, June 27, 2009


I live on an island
In a desert of sand
Where amongst the red dust
An occasional tree stands

And on this islands
The locals play
Drinking all night
Sleeping all day.

Friday, June 26, 2009


We have adopted a black lab. It is the most
beautiful, gentle of creatures.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kiss on the cheek.

Doing other stuff, so my 15min's of surfing for
that perfect image to draw turned into drawing
the first image I saw. Cute in'it...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

All fun and games.

Yeah...until sleazy girlfriend gets you naked
and you end up on "Mynakedex-boyfriend.com"
(I'm sure a site like this must exist!)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Random crap.

Did I ever mention that I'm a doodlin' dude.
Reams of paper would be collected in shoe
boxes filled with random and useless doodles
only to be thrown out in the many moves I've
made. Very little remains of any of my "art",
then again very little is of any real talent and
worth keeping.
But thanks to the joys of the
Internet and modern technology my random
crap can float around in hyper space for ever
and the forest can breath a sigh of relief.

Monday, June 22, 2009


I said, "I am the Mad Mad Daddy."
I am The Mad Mad Daddy
Mah-mah-mah-mah-mah-mah Mad Mad Daddy
Mah-mah-mah-mah-mah-mah Mad Mad Daddy
Let's go baby
Let's go daddyNow,
I am The Mad Mad Daddy.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Three in a row.

I have done these in my spare time over the
week or so. All from images that I have seen
on the net and then rendered in my own
harried style.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Under the fountain.

Some images just grab me.
I see it and I want to recreate an emotion
associated with the image.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Two Shoes.

Cos on my feet are shoes for dancing
'dancing to be free'
my feet they're paying tribute
to the bobby marley legacy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Went and saw these kids last night with my
kids. A Ugandan orphan childrens choir.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rain and Despair.

Funny thing is I'm in a good mood.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Would you like some nostalgia
with your cherry cola.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I’m fascinated by the concept of the blogg art that I’m presenting to the world. Not because I’m any great artist, though I do have a passion to draw, but for the reason that any art done on a drawing tablet is virtual art.

I can print any drawing I want, but then it becomes a copy, I can’t hang my painting on the wall, only the print. The closest I could get to the actual art as a presentable product would be to show it on one of those e-lec-tronic picture frames.

The art (for want of a better word) in my blogg; that truly only exists in the virtual world; that can be changed or deleted at a whim with the right password or hacking ability; might still yet have the potential to outlast any art works of any prier period.

Virtual memory and computer images stored on plastic sticks or engraved on sand molecules powered by the tiniest amount of energy is our reality, our heritage. We can, and will endeavour to save this technology at all costs, and as we know the cost is less and less for far better than we have ever experienced before.

Short of a meteor hitting the planet or nuclear annihilation, we will continue to find ways to save and preserve things to electronic media for prosperity. What will we see in 500 years when we look at the medium of today, will it be our selves? Will the Mona Lisa, or Donald Duck for that matter, only exist in a virtual electronic medium?

My ability as an artist is actually enhanced by modern technology but its impact and influence is lessened. I’m one of a hundred thousand lesser artist presenting mediocre works to a nonexistent audience saving something to prosperity, that at the moment is so insignificant that to liken it to the flapping of a butterfly’s wings would be ridiculous, more like a twitch of its antenna.

But I do it, as do millions of others in the hopes of saving something of interest to us and, hopefully, to our future significant others.
To leave something for prosperity.

And you know what.

This might be the most important significant thing I or any of us could ever do.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cat on my lap.

We got a kitten yesterday, Tigar, she sat on my
lap and I drew her. (I think it's a she!)

Stan the Man

So I work with this bloke, young man, pierced
eye brow and tongue, tough on the boofheads
and wooer of the opposite sex. He asked me
to draw him and put him on my blogg.
40sec to draw 10min to colour in.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Local Fella'

I live in the heart of Aboriginal Australia with
people who trace there ancestry and ties to this
land back some 40 000+ years.
Mine and there lives now centre around a pub.
I subdue my conscious with the truth that if I wasn't selling
them grog some one else would be,
and they might not be as tolerant as I.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Big brown eye's.

...or alternately: "Look up my nose."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Is there cheese in that kransky?

I thought I would throw out a few of my
doodles. These three were all drawn fast
and furious with little to no concept of
what it was I was doodlin', just like the
ole' pen and paper days.

David's drenching.

It's wonderful to be able to colour my daggy
doodles and render it into an acceptable
cartoon panel. (It must be the 80's, big hair.)


It's just like an electronic sketch pad and easel
with no clutter, mess or clean up. (What am I
saying, it is an electronic sketch pad!)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Can you see me northern lights.

I plan to go for a bit of a holiday in a month
or so and have been saving some drawings
for then...silly me.

A Girl and Her Guitar.

::::: ZooM...Did you see that guy draw, if this
took fifteen minutes all up I'd be surprised.
Thanks for being my first follower Colleen
(Not including the R-Rated one I have...teach me
to surf inappropriate material.)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Cigarettes and Sunglasses.

This is actually a drawing taken from a
blog called Banana Tuesday that I dig.
Apologies Colleen if you ever see this:)

Sunday, June 7, 2009


So I just unclip this here...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Mountain climber

The picture I took this from caught my eye
straight away. I hope I captured this girls
fierce intensity in this drawing.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Attack of the drop bear

So where I live in Australia there's these
Koala's that jump from trees and tear at
your skull to eat your brains...
Weird HUH!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Trever on fire.

Well...I had to call it something!

Modern Monk.

An image from another blogg that caught
my eye (I) so I drew it.(As I do.)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Big kiss.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lady in scarf frowning.

I have this knack of finding (to me anyway)
interesting looking faces that I draw from
the Internet using my own style rendering
them unrecognizable from the original
subject but somehow still able to get them
looking like an identity.
1/2 hour one undo.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Boys these days.

Long Hair, No ears Showing, Cell Phone
attached to Hip or Ears that are hidden
by there Hair etc etc...