Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Catolico Bunny

Who are these furry folk?
I believe this guy had these bunny ears grafted
onto his skull using the latest in nano-surgery.
I'm sure the name is some sort of sick reference
to the "Calico rabbit"!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thinking of Lonnie.

Hi...Did ya' miss me:)
I'm glad to be back on my computer, the week
I just spent at Springvale was very relaxing but
I needed a laptop to attach to my drawing tablet so
I could of drawn stuff... I took some pens and
paper with me but longed for my Wacom.
Spoilt by modern technology.
Hi Olivier and Scott, thank you for following!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Well it's time for me to go on holiday's. (We are
a day ahead here in OZ:)
6 dayz of doing sweet nothing, camped by a
lovely thermal spring at the oldest homestead
in the N.T.
I'll take my sketch pad but the Wacom
will have to stay at home.


There is this underground movement where
normal individuals dress like cartoon characters.
And not Bugs or Hommer but weird looking
"Lazy Town" rejects. Strange isn't it?

Monday, July 20, 2009

School uniform and barbed wire

I go on holidays on Thursday so I am posting
a few of my extra drawings to compensate
for the six days I'll be away.
I like the opposing images. The school
uniform, that bastion of so many male
fantasies as opposed to the girl of approximately
the same age, who for some reason is behind
barbed wire.
The top ones original and the bottom one is
from an image on the net.


I drew this for an elusive blog I found where
they post a photo and other artist draw the
image. It's a great little site...wish I could
remember its URL!
(I found the drawings not there yet;
but my drawings are rendered on a computer
drawing tablet...and that might be against the
rules! Anyway, it's a cool site regardless:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Three originals in a row.

I mentioned about a month ago about the fact
that I'm going on holiday...well it's about to
happen. In three days we do a seven hour
jaunt up north with our camper trailer for
six nights of camping at Springvale hot springs.
This blurry image from the above link will
give you the run down.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I hope to be changing profession soon.
At the moment I run a hotel/motel with my
wife but am looking like I will be a consultant
for the local Aboriginal arts and cultural centre.
It's a short term position, 8 months, but in the
big scheme of things it will prove to be very
beneficial to my future plans, see here:

Friday, July 17, 2009


I've been tidying up my blog, getting rid of a
few of the blogs I follow that are never updated
and adding others that I've found that are
interesting. This character is from the "Z twist
art" blog, very cool.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Jazz Bluegrass

When I was living in Cairns as a young fella'
I met an impressive hippy chick who went by
the moniker Jazz Bluegrass. When my wife
was young she wanted to change her name
to Rayne. When your names
would nearly change it to anything...'cept
for other cross gender names like Kym or

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


...she is saying about herself. This is of course
not me! but a drawing of a lady I saw on the
net. A grainy photo on a blogg .
The lady in the photo, however, had a
much more impressive "Ya' Reckon!" look.
Still...I kind of like it.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


From my last posted comment my wife now
thinks that my art blog is an excuse for a perv
instead of the other way round, that perving
(to use a crude term) is one of the bonuses
of my art blog.
Anyway...Here's a man with his shirt off.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Red rose and paw print.

Who are these beautiful young ladies who take
photo's of themselves and there friends and post
them on blogs for all to see.
I have no idea as they are usually in Spanish
or sumthin'.
All of that is unimportant however, what
is important is that they don't stop:)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Yellow surf top

...and pink bikini bottom.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Chakra Soup

Wow...Hung over today, a rarity for me. Still
had to get up with the kids and take them
horse rest for the wicked;)

Friday, July 10, 2009


Why a lady playing badminton? Do I love
badminton, am I a fan of shuttlecocks instead
of balls? Is it the cute outfits?
Naaah....I just started drawing and this appeared.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Following along the two girl path...another two
girls. Not demon ones this time, just two spunky
girls who took a photo of themselves on a blog
and then I came along and drew them...
As I do:)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Night Feast.

So there was theses couple of girls on the net.
Nice image, kinda' sexy. I took that images soul
and turned those girls into demons...BwahhhBwahh

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The temple of joy aflame.

A famous folk festival reins in Australia around
the summer solstice, (at christmas time) in the
hills around Maleny, one of most beautiful places
in the world. Three days of Pagan, hippy, peace,
love and rock an' roll. Well it was when I went,
way back in the New Year of 97.

Monday, July 6, 2009


My three elder children love horse riding, which
is perfectly suited to the outback area we live in.
There favorite horse is Paco... and when I here
his name all I think of is the Pixies:
Jose Jones told me alone his story
he got friends like paco
picopiedrala munecahe
receives on his set
crack crack crackity jones...
I love the pixies.
(My kids are upset, the horses name, apparently,
is not Paco but Pablo...I don't know any Pixie songs with
Pablo in it so my horses name is Paco.)

Sunday, July 5, 2009


When you run a pub in a remote community
you end up having to showcase a variety of
entertainment from jam sessions to...
well, to things like the image up above.
We didn't book this act, the owners did, I
just ran it.
And I swear, it is all true!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


My wife is a yoga teacher.
I am in love with the beauty and power
transferred through yoga's movements.
The symbols in the background show how
the image of the woman in pose is just as
trans formative.
The Om in the corner representing an image
of a higher consciousness transcending all the
others through ones chosen path.
My Om is your cross is someone else's stars
and strips etc.

Friday, July 3, 2009


I love how the image drawn and saved on the
Wacom drawing tablet seems to conform very
nicely within the blogs frame. Kinda like how
comics look good in newspapers.
Well so's me thinks:)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jumping in art museums

A blogg I added to my list of favorites...
art made fun.

Mr Damage

Mr Damage
-- walks through the doors of the sacrifial church
Mr. Damage
-- meets you in the lobby and then leaves you in the lurch
Mr. Damage
-- stands at the altar sermon of the search,
all the faithful follow.
Mr Damage holds a curse
Mr Damage drives a hearse
Don't you know who did it first?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


When your blue or in the pink
things are much brighter than you think!
Just colour your world with the colour machine
called seven.
(This is the ad that was on telly when I was
around was introducing young suburban
Australians to colour T.V.
...and whats that got to do with crouching girl?
Not much:)